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Samba Solaris_7-9
Samba Howto

For SCSI: mount -f pcfs /dev/dsk/c0t0d0p0:1 /mnt

For ATAPI/IDE: mount -f pcfs /dev/dsk/c0d0p0:1   /mnt

Where c0 is the controller number.

t0 is the target (SCSI ID number) (omit for ATAPI/IDE)

d0 is always 0 for SCSI, the drive # for ATAPI/IDE

p0 is the partition; DOS is the first partition here

/mnt is the mount point  

You can use the normal UNIX commands to copy files, 'cp', etc., after that to move the data. 

DOS filenames are in the old 8.3 format (even for Win 95 and NT).

To mount the partitions automatically, put something like this in /etc/vfstab:

#device        device         mount   FS      fsck    mount

#to mount      to fsck        point   type    pass    at boot

/dev/dsk/c1d0p0:1 -            /c      pcfs    -       yes     -

/dev/dsk/c1d1p0:1 -            /d      pcfs    -       yes     -

This mounts the DOS partitions (assuming it's the first partition) on /c and /d, respectively, on startup.

For more info, see "man pcfs" [From the Solaris 2.4 x86 FAQ]