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                         Standalone (Basic) Install                  Page 1 of 11



        To demonstrate a standalone/basic installation

Required Values

<domain name>                           ________________________

<hostname>                              ________________________

<install-binaries> (/net/xxxx/images)   ________________________

<server-root>      (/train/server5)     ________________________

<webserver-root>   (/train/iws)         ________________________

<iDA-root>         (/train/ida)         ________________________

Netscape Server User                    nsuser

and Group                               nsgroup

Messaging Server Services User          mailsrv

Password                                mailsrv

Netscape Configuration Administrator    admin

ID and Password                         admin

Directory Manager DN                    cn=Directory Manager

Password                                dirmanager

Messaging Server Service Administrator  serviceadmin

Userid and password                     secret

Postmaster (first list entry)           pma@<Domain Name>

Directory Server port                   389

Messaging Server ports:

    SMTP                                 25

    HTTP                                 80

    POP3                                 110

    IMAP4                                143

Administration Server port              5200

for Messaging and Directory Servers

Delegated Administrator running on      1080

Enterprise Server port

Administration Server port for          8888

Enterprise Server


Exercise Parts

    Part 1:

        Create Unix User and Group accounts to run the Messaging, Directory

        and Administration Servers

    Part 2:

        Disable Sendmail

    Part 3:

        Install Directory, Admin, and Messaging Server

    Part 4:

        Install Web Server and Delegated Administration

    Part 5:

        Start the servers

    Part 6:

        Use startconsole to see console and admin server

        Use startconsole to see the web server admin

    Part 7:

        Use Delegated Admin to provision users

    Part 8:


Detailed Instructions Page 3 of 11

Part 1  Create Unix User and Group Accounts to run the Messaging,

        Directory and Administration Servers

        It's good practice to set up a Unix user account and group for all

        iPlanet Servers and then to set permissions appropriately for the

        directories and files owned by that user.

        1. Log in as root. See your instructor for the root password.

        2. Issue the following command to create the Netscape Server group

           (for Solaris). See your instructor if your Unix OS does not

           support this command.

                # groupadd nsgroup

        3. Issue the following commands to create the Netscape Server user

           (for Solaris). See your instructor if your Unix OS does not

           support these commands. Examples below assume csh.

                # useradd nsuser

                # usermod -g nsgroup nsuser

                # passwd nsuser

                New password: nsuser

                Re-enter new password: nsuser

        4. Issue the following commands to create the Messaging Server

           user (for Solaris). See your instructor if your Unix OS does

           not support these commands.

                # useradd mailsrv

                # usermod -g nsgroup mailsrv

                # passwd mailsrv

                New password: mailsrv

                Re-enter new password: mailsrv

        If your particular system is experiencing difficulties using these

        new accounts, you may have to create and specify home directories

        for these accounts. If necessary, ask your instructor for

        instructions on how to accomplish this.


Part 2 Disable sendmail

        It is good practice to stop and disable any programs running on

        needed ports before beginning a server installation. On most Unix

        Solaris systems, the messaging program "sendmail" is running by

        default, which will interfere with the messaging server

        installation, since both products want to use port 25 for SMTP.

        The Messaging Server installation program may or may not be able

        to disable sendmail for you. So here you will manually stop

        sendmail and disable it from starting up on reboot.

        1. Log in as root.

        2. Type: cat /etc/mail/sendmail.pid

           This returns a process id followed by the file path.

           For example: [xxx] /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q15m

        3. Kill the process with this command:

                kill xxx

           where xxx is the process id assigned to SendMail.

        4. Perform the following command to move the sendmail

           configuration file to a safe place and prevent it from starting

           on the next system boot.

                mv /etc/rc2.d/S88sendmail /etc/rc2.d/disabled.S88sendmail


Part 3 Install Directory, and Admin, and Messaging Servers Page 5 of 11

        In this part, you will install a Messaging Server and a Master

        Directory Server that all your Messaging Servers will use to store

        their configuration information and user account information.

        The products you will be installing are Messaging Server 5.2,

        Directory Server 4.16, Administration Server 4.2, Console 4.2, and

        the Server Core Components.

        You will install the Directory and Administration Servers that are

        packaged with the Messaging Server Software. This ensures

        compatibility and the correct Directory Server schema. If you

        wanted to use an existing Directory Server, you would have to run

        the dssetup utility against the existing Directory Server. More

        info on doing this is contained in the on-line documentation.

        This exercise assumes the <install-binaries> directories are

        accessible to your workstation. This is typically mounted on the

        lab machines as the directory /train/images. Please see your instructor

        for details.

        In the instructions that follow, you need to enter the values that

        appear in boldface, and for all other values just accept the

        defaults by pressing Return/Enter.

        1. Change directories to the location of the Messaging Server


                # cd <install-binaries>/iMS

           Example: cd /train/images/iMS

        2. Run the installer executable from the command line (for

           example, setup ).

                # ./setup 

        3. Install iPlanet Messaging Server using the following inputs:

        Would you like to continue with setup? [Yes]:

        Do you agree to the license terms? [No]: yes

        Please select the component you want to install [1]:

        Choose your installation type [2]:

        Server root [/usr/iplanet/server5]: <server-root>

        Specify the components you wish to install [All]:

        Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2, 3]:

        Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]:

        Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2]:

        Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2, 5]:

        Computer name [<hostname>.<domain name>]: <hostname>.<domain name>

        System User [nobody]: nsuser

        System Group [nobody]: nsgroup

            ---------------- directory server questions ------------------

        Do you want to register this software with an existing

        Netscape configuration directory server? [No]:

        Do you want to use another directory to store your data? [No]:

        Directory server network port [389]:

        Directory server identifier [<hostname>]:

        Netscape configuration directory server administrator ID [admin]:

        Password: admin

        Password (again): admin

        Suffix [o=<domain name>]: o=isp

        Directory Manager DN [cn=Directory Manager]:

        Password: dirmanager

        Password (again): dirmanager

        Administration Domain [<domain name>]:

        Administration port [25640]: 5200

        Run Administration Server as [root]:

            ---------------- messaging server questions ------------------

        User Name [mailsrv]:

        Default Domain [<domain name>]: <domain name>

        Default Organization DN [o=<domain name>, o=isp]: o=<domain name>, o=isp

        Host Name [<hostname>.<domain name>]:

        Port [8080]:1080

        Will the Messaging Server use a Smart Host [2]:

        User ID [ServiceAdmin]:

        User Password: secret

        Confirm Password: secret

        Email Address: pma@<domain name>

            ---------------- the following messages appear  ------------------

        Extracting Netscape core components...

        Extracting Netscape Server Product Core components...

        Extracting Netscape Core Java classes...



        [slapd-<hostname>]: starting up server ...

        [slapd-<hostname>]: [30/Jan/2002:16:00:31 -0500] - Netscape-Directory/4.16 B01.300.2035 starting



        Installing iPlanet Messaging Server

        Now performing task 8 of 38.

        Initializing MTA Configuration Messaging Configuration and Services

        Press Return to continue...

Part 4: Install Delegated Administrator Server                       Page 7 of 11

   4.a  Install the Web Server

        You will install iPlanet Enterprise Web Server 6.0.

        The Enterprise Server is required to run the iPlanet Delegated


        Make sure the <webserver-root> value you use below is different

        from the <server-root> you used above for the Messaging and

        Directory Server.

        1. Change directory to the location of the iPlanet Enterprise

           Server install binaries.

                # cd <install-binaries>/ES

        2. Run the setup program and follow the scripts as shown below.

                # ./setup

        Would you like to continue with installation? [Yes]:

        Do you agree to the license terms? [No] yes

        Choose an installation type [2]:

        Install location [/usr/netscape/server4]: <webserver-root>

        Specify the components you wish to install [All]:

        Specify the components you wish to install [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]:

        Computer name [<hostname>.<domain name>]:

        System User [nobody]: nsuser

        System Group [nobody]: nsgroup

        Run iWS Administration Server as [root]:

        iWS Admin Server User Name [admin]:

        iWS Admin Server Password: admin

        iWS Admin Server Password (again): admin

        iWS Admin Server Port [8888]: 8888

        Web Server Port [80]: 1080

        Do you want to register this with an existing Directory Server [No]:

        Web Server Content Root [<webserver-root>/docs]:

        Do you want to use your own JDK [No]:

        Extracting Server Core...

        Extracting Java Runtime Environment...

        Extracting Java Support...

        Extracting SSJS Support...

        Extracting SSJS Database Support...

        Extracting Web Publishing Support...

        Extracting SNMP Support...

        Extracting Upgrade Files...

        Server Core installed successfully.

        Java Runtime Environment installed successfully.

        Java Support installed successfully.

        SSJS Support installed successfully.

        SSJS Database Support installed successfully.

        Web Publishing Support installed successfully.

        SNMP Support installed successfully.

        Press Return to continue...

   4.b  Install iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging

        You will now install iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging.

        1. Change directory to the location of the iPlanet Delegated

           Administrator for Messaging install binaries.

                # cd <install-binaries>/iDA

           Example: cd /train/images/iDA


        2. Run the setup program and follow the scripts as shown below.

                # ./setup

        Would you like to continue with installation? [Yes]:

        Do you agree to the license terms? [No]: yes

        Install location [/usr/netscape/ida10]: <iDA-root>

        Manage Messaging Server [No]: yes

        Specify Default Domain:[<domain name>]:

        Specify Host Name [<hostname>.<domain name>]:

        Specify Admin URL: http://<hostname>.<domain name>:5200

        Specify CGI Path [msg-<hostname>/Tasks/operation]:

        Manage Calendar Server [No]:

        Specify Enterprise server config directory:

                <webserver-root>/https-<hostname>.<domain name>/config

        Specify Webserver Port [8080]: 1080

        Specify LDAP URL: ldap://<hostname>.<domain name>:389

        Specify Directory Manager [cn=Directory Manager]:

        Password: dirmanager

        Continue iDA installation? [No]: yes

        Password: dirmanager

        Specify Suffix: o=isp

        This suffix is already present in the directory.

        Continue without installing iDA information in the directory? [No]: yes

        Specify DC Suffix [o=internet]:

        Specify Suffix [o=isp]:

        The following messages will appear....

        Extracting Netscape core components...

        Extracting iPlanet Delegated Administrator for Messaging and Collaboration...

        Restarting Enterprise Server

        Connecting netscape browser to

                 http://<hostname>.<domain name>:1080/nda/start.htm

        Press Return to continue...

The end of the iDA install launches netscape to invoke iDA. Depending on your path, etc, that may not happen. It's just as well because we don't want to do that yet. We will do that in Part 7.

Part 5: Start the servers Page 9 of 11

        Directory Server and Admin Server were started by the install.

        If they had not been, you would need to:

                # cd <server-root>

                # slapd-<hostname>/start-slapd

                # start-admin

        Start the Messaging Server

                # cd <server-root>

                # msg-<hostname>/start-msg

        The Web Server for Delegated Admin was also started by its installation.

        If it had not been, you would need to:

                # cd <webserver-root>

                # https-<hostname>.<domain name>/start

Part 6:  See the consoles

        Console for Directory, Admin, and Messaging servers

                # cd <server-root>

                # ./startconsole &

        Console for Web Server

                # cd <webserver-root>

                # https-admserv/start

                # cat startconsole

             You should not need to use the Web Server's admin server or console.

Part 7: Use Delegated Admin to provision users

Detailed Instructions

        You must add and manage users through the Delegated Administrator

        for Messaging, which you should now have running on Machine on

        port 1080. You can either user the web interface, or the command

        line utilities that ship with the messaging product.

        Here, you will use the command line utility imadmin. The minimum

        format for adding messaging users to specific messaging hosts is:

          imadmin user create -D admin_id -w admin_password \

            -l users_uid -n users_domain -W users_password \

            -F users_firstname -L users_lastname -H users_messaging_server

        The URL to log in to Delegated Admin is:

          http://<hostname>.<domain name>:1080/nda/login.htm

        1. Create the account for the first Postmaster list entry

        When you installed the messaging servers, a Postmaster group was

        automatically created in the Directory for you.  During install,

        you specified a unique member of the group ("pma@<domain name>")

        that will receive errors and other notices from the messaging

        system. You now need to actually create this user so these notices

        can be delivered and read. You will set up this user account to

        use machine1.

                # cd <server-root>/ndacli/bin

   # ./imadmin user create -D serviceadmin@<domain name> -w secret \

          -l pma -n <domain name> -W pma \

          -F Postal -L Worker -H <hostname>.<domain name>

        eg: ./imadmin user create -D serviceadmin@iplanet1.com -w secret \

               -l pma -n iplanet1.com -W secretpw \

               -F Postal -L Worker -H beet1.mcom.com

        You should see a message like the following:

                pma@<domain name>: create user succeeded.

2. Create test accounts using iDA Page 11 of 11

        Point your web browser to:

          http://<hostname>.<domain name>:1080/nda/login.htm


          http://<hostname>.<domain name>:1080/nda/start.htm

        Log in as serviceadmin@<domain name>

        Navigate to your domain.

        Select Search for Users

        Observe the pma account you created earlier

        Click on New User

           Login ID:      test1

           First Name:    Test

           Last Name:     Account1

           Password:      test1

           (again)        test1

           Email Address: test1@<domain name>

         remember to click on Enable Additional Services

           and select Mail

         Click Ok

         Click Continue

         Select Search for Users

         Observer your new user in the list.

         Repeat above to create another test account.

         Click Logout button.

Part 8:  Test

         Perform a dirsync

                # cd <server-root>/msg-<hostname>

                # ./imsimta dirsync -F

         Send/Receive Mail Using WebMail

               Point your web browser to:

               http://<hostname>.<domain name>

        When you have successfully sent and retrieved messages from each

        messaging account on each server, you are done.

        Congratulations, your standalone messaging system works.


JES iMS Stuff

iMS  - create a new domain


./imadmin  domain create -D "ServiceAdmin" -w password -n "o=internet" -d "testing.com"



iMS - purge a user


./imadmin user purge -D "serviceadmin" -w password -d "testing.com" -g  0




iMS - import user mail from unix mailboxes




./bin/msg/store/bin/imsimport -u <user> -s /var/mail/<user> -d INBOX



iMS - mail export script





# domain.com

USERS="user1 user2 user3"


cd /usr/iplanet/server5/bin/msg/store/bin

for address in $USERS


mkdir /migrate/${DOMAIN}

chmod 777 /migrate/${DOMAIN}

cd /usr/iplanet/server5/bin/msg/store/bin

/usr/iplanet/server5/bin/msg/store/bin/imsexport -u ${address}@${DOMAIN}  \

-d /migrate/${DOMAIN}/${address}
