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Here are some of the commands I use, also attached stuff for old ssa.

FCAL Disks

luxadm probe                 (discovers fcal)

luxadm display Enclosure (displays information on fcal box)

luxadm reserve /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s# (reserves device so it can’t be accessed)

luxadm -e offline /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#     (takes a device offline)

luxadm -e bus_quiesce /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#    (quiesce the bus)

luxadm -e bus_unquiesce /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s# (unquiesce the bus)

luxadm -e online /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#    (bring the disk device back online)

luxadm release /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#    (unreserved the device for use)

luxadm remove_device BAD,f2    (removes a device from slot f2 on enclosure BAD)

luxadm insert_device BAD,f2     (hot plug a new device to slot f2 on enclosure BAD)

SSAADM (for old ssa drawers)

ssaadm display c#             (displays ssa on controller)

ssaadm display /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#     (display drive information)

ssaadm start /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#    (spin up a specific drive)

ssaadm stop /dev/rdsk/c#t#d#s#    (spin down a specific drive)

ssaadm start –t 3 c#             (spin up all drives in tray 3 on controller )

ssaadm stop –t 3 c#             (spin down all drives in tray 3 on controller)

ssaadm start c#        (spin up all drives in array)

ssaadm stop c#            (stop all drives in array)